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Pet Accidents Happen..

but cleaning them doesn't have to stink so bad! We’ve all been there, carrying that dripping mound of pee soaked paper towels. And worse yet – feeling that oh so wonderful warmth of a liquidy poo with pungent odor bursting through a stack of toilet tissue, as the breath hold becomes just too unbearable to go on.

It doesn’t have to be this difficult to address those inevitable pet accidents indoors!

Sprinkle & Sweep is a profoundly new approach to pet accident cleanup at home. Simply sprinkle on to naturally deodorize even the stinkiest pet messes, instantly all liquids are solidified, allowing for pee, poo or vomit to be easily swept into a dustpan and disposed.

Leaving zero residue behind, pet relationships intact and your home smelling heavenly!

Putting your mind at ease with non-toxic ingredients.

Highly Porous Volcanic Rock

Coconut Based Activated Carbon

Bamboo Mint & Lime Essential Oils

Active Stink-Lock Technology™

Veterinarian Approved

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"I have two older Dobermans, I’m blown away with how well this this stuff works for their occasional accidents around my house! Makes cleaning up after them a MILLION times easier for my husband and I. Personally, I highly recommend this product for all pet parents, especially those with medium to larger breeds!"

Melissa I.


What in the world is Active Stink-Lock Technology™?

What is it?

Our own developed odor converting technology. Guaranteed to safely disable waste odors.

How does it work?

Stinky organic compounds are effectively blocked from vaporizing into the air.

What does it do?

Eliminates the smell of that doggy poo from engulfing the room with poo vapors!

We asked ourselves...

What are the leading factors attributing to pet abandonment?

As a small group of obsessed animal lovers, we set our hearts and minds on transforming the terribly outdated method of addressing inevitable pet accidents indoors, with hope of solving a primary contributor to animal abandonment in the US, and around the globe.

How It Works


Completely cover mess with Sprinkle & Sweep granules.

Work In

Sweep from the outside inward, unsticking the accident from surface.


Then Sweep into dustpan and dispose!


Sprinkle a tiny amount on any remaining residue and swirl in a circular motion until gone. Sweep again and dispose.

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